Logo Iowa Fair Market Rent for 2011 Accurate Rental Price Data

Average Fair Market Rent Prices in Iowa:
$411 $454 $580 $739 $811
Studio / Efficiency 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom 4-Bedroom
0-BR 1-BR 2-BR 3-BR 4-BR

Iowa (15) has the 91st highest rent in the country out of 108 states and territories. The Fair Market Rent in Iowa ranges from $555 for a 2-bedroom apartment in Adair County, IA to $747 for a 2-bedroom unit in Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA HUD Metro FMR Area.

For FY 2011, the Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA HUD Metro FMR Area (Harrison County) rent for a studio or efficiency is $527 per month and $1,026 per month to rent a house or an apartment with 4 bedrooms. The average Fair Market Rent for a 2-bedroom home in Iowa is $580 per month.

Approximately 15% of Americans qualify for some level of housing assistance. The population in Iowa is around 2,371,060 people. So, there are around 355,659 people in Iowa who could be receiving housing benefits from the HUD.

Click on your region in the list below or on the map to see a more detailed break down of rental prices.

What is Fair Market Rent?

Fair Market Rent is determined each fiscal year by the HUD and is used to set payment standards for federal housing assistance programs in Iowa. Fair Market Rent is the 40th-percentile of typical rentals in a given region. Learn more

Iowa Fair Market Rent Map

Click on a region to view more detailed rent data.

Lookup FMR by Zip Code FHA Loan Limits in Iowa
Change Year:
County 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Est. Population
Adair County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 8,243
Adams County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 4,482
Allamakee County, IA $393 $433 $555 $719 $765 14,675
Appanoose County, IA $360 $421 $555 $701 $768 13,721
Audubon County, IA $415 $426 $555 $730 $764 6,830
Benton County, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $360 $425 $555 $691 $925 25,308
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $419 $515 $616 $756 $926 128,012
Boone County, IA $415 $500 $637 $829 $892 26,224
Bremer County, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $365 $450 $560 $670 $906 23,325
Buchanan County, IA $461 $462 $555 $716 $735 21,093
Buena Vista County, IA $432 $437 $572 $686 $788 20,411
Butler County, IA $393 $433 $555 $719 $765 15,305
Calhoun County, IA $440 $441 $555 $713 $746 11,115
Carroll County, IA $376 $439 $579 $691 $712 21,421
Cass County, IA $415 $506 $636 $780 $840 14,684
Cedar County, IA $393 $434 $572 $740 $800 18,187
Cerro Gordo County, IA $420 $467 $614 $763 $784 46,447
Cherokee County, IA $415 $426 $555 $730 $764 13,035
Chickasaw County, IA $393 $433 $555 $719 $765 13,095
Clarke County, IA $379 $433 $569 $681 $759 9,133
Clay County, IA $360 $421 $555 $674 $844 17,372
Clayton County, IA $393 $433 $555 $719 $765 18,678
Clinton County, IA $360 $422 $555 $708 $808 50,149
Crawford County, IA $415 $438 $555 $730 $764 16,942
Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA MSA Metro $508 $606 $739 $947 $1,055 40,750
Davis County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 8,541
Decatur County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 8,689
Delaware County, IA $393 $434 $572 $740 $800 18,404
Des Moines County, IA $430 $470 $596 $749 $844 42,351
Dickinson County, IA $360 $444 $555 $702 $973 16,424
Dubuque, IA MSA Metro $417 $449 $590 $793 $864 89,143
Emmet County, IA $390 $421 $555 $679 $798 11,027
Fayette County, IA $393 $433 $555 $719 $765 22,008
Floyd County, IA $390 $421 $555 $694 $715 16,900
Franklin County, IA $401 $441 $555 $709 $744 10,704
Fremont County, IA $415 $506 $636 $780 $840 8,010
Greene County, IA $415 $426 $555 $730 $764 10,366
Hamilton County, IA $431 $432 $555 $699 $731 16,438
Hancock County, IA $401 $441 $555 $709 $744 12,100
Hardin County, IA $475 $477 $571 $683 $726 18,812
Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $527 $599 $747 $997 $1,026 15,666
Henry County, IA $468 $470 $562 $804 $828 20,336
Howard County, IA $393 $433 $555 $719 $765 9,932
Humboldt County, IA $440 $441 $555 $713 $746 10,381
Ida County, IA $415 $426 $555 $730 $764 7,837
Iowa County, IA $430 $455 $564 $738 $761 15,671
Jackson County, IA $393 $434 $572 $740 $800 20,296
Jasper County, IA $432 $472 $620 $789 $823 37,213
Jefferson County, IA $464 $472 $558 $703 $854 16,181
Iowa City, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $496 $592 $746 $1,087 $1,272 111,006
Jones County, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $462 $463 $555 $778 $802 20,221
Keokuk County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 11,400
Kossuth County, IA $401 $441 $555 $709 $744 17,163
Lee County, IA $405 $471 $555 $704 $724 38,052
Cedar Rapids, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $436 $507 $668 $947 $1,075 191,701
Louisa County, IA $426 $477 $589 $762 $806 12,183
Lucas County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 9,422
Lyon County, IA $390 $421 $555 $679 $798 11,763
Mahaska County, IA $410 $466 $593 $710 $938 22,335
Marion County, IA $415 $509 $636 $785 $808 32,052
Marshall County, IA $424 $492 $614 $790 $906 39,311
Mitchell County, IA $401 $441 $555 $709 $744 10,874
Monona County, IA $415 $426 $555 $730 $764 10,020
Monroe County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 8,016
Montgomery County, IA $415 $506 $636 $780 $840 11,771
Muscatine County, IA $423 $523 $650 $800 $863 41,722
O'Brien County, IA $390 $421 $555 $679 $798 15,102
Osceola County, IA $390 $421 $555 $679 $798 7,003
Page County, IA $359 $422 $555 $662 $682 16,976
Palo Alto County, IA $390 $421 $555 $679 $798 10,147
Plymouth County, IA $460 $461 $555 $748 $770 24,849
Pocahontas County, IA $440 $441 $555 $713 $746 8,662
Poweshiek County, IA $387 $451 $594 $759 $782 18,815
Ringgold County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 5,469
Sac County, IA $415 $426 $555 $730 $764 11,529
Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL MSA Metro $476 $531 $669 $853 $889 158,668
Shelby County, IA $415 $506 $636 $780 $840 13,173
Sioux County, IA $451 $457 $555 $750 $772 31,589
Ames, IA MSA Metro $568 $599 $740 $1,059 $1,253 79,981
Tama County, IA $430 $455 $564 $738 $761 18,103
Taylor County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 6,958
Union County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 12,309
Van Buren County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 7,809
Wapello County, IA $396 $460 $607 $724 $755 36,051
Washington County, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $367 $442 $562 $717 $862 20,670
Wayne County, IA $379 $422 $555 $677 $757 6,730
Webster County, IA $422 $430 $558 $772 $797 40,235
Winnebago County, IA $401 $441 $555 $709 $744 11,723
Winneshiek County, IA $361 $422 $555 $721 $977 21,310
Sioux City, IA-NE-SD MSA Metro $435 $511 $671 $845 $870 103,877
Worth County, IA $401 $441 $555 $709 $744 7,909
Wright County, IA $440 $441 $555 $713 $746 14,334