Logo Iowa Fair Market Rent for 2018 Accurate Rental Price Data

Average Fair Market Rent Prices in Iowa:
$480 $530 $684 $908 $1,004
Studio / Efficiency 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom 4-Bedroom
0-BR 1-BR 2-BR 3-BR 4-BR

Iowa (15) has the 46th highest rent in the country out of 56 states and territories. The Fair Market Rent in Iowa ranges from $650 for a 2-bedroom apartment in Adair County, IA to $956 for a 2-bedroom unit in Iowa City, IA HUD Metro FMR Area.

For FY 2018, the Iowa City, IA HUD Metro FMR Area (Johnson County) rent for a studio or efficiency is $625 per month and $1,684 per month to rent a house or an apartment with 4 bedrooms. The average Fair Market Rent for a 2-bedroom home in Iowa is $684 per month.

Approximately 15% of Americans qualify for some level of housing assistance. The population in Iowa is around 2,422,187 people. So, there are around 363,328 people in Iowa who could be receiving housing benefits from the HUD.

Click on your region in the list below or on the map to see a more detailed break down of rental prices.

What is Fair Market Rent?

Fair Market Rent is determined each fiscal year by the HUD and is used to set payment standards for federal housing assistance programs in Iowa. Fair Market Rent is the 40th-percentile of typical rentals in a given region. Learn more

Iowa Fair Market Rent Map

Click on a region to view more detailed rent data.

Lookup FMR by Zip Code FHA Loan Limits in Iowa
Change Year:
County 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Est. Population
Adair County, IA $465 $489 $650 $815 $885 7,682
Adams County, IA $465 $498 $650 $945 $1,098 4,029
Allamakee County, IA $465 $490 $650 $815 $924 14,330
Appanoose County, IA $465 $489 $650 $834 $890 12,887
Audubon County, IA $465 $489 $650 $894 $997 6,119
Benton County, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $513 $517 $650 $840 $902 26,076
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $491 $603 $765 $988 $1,218 131,090
Boone County, IA $491 $584 $687 $932 $936 26,306
Bremer County, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $439 $525 $672 $907 $1,077 24,276
Buchanan County, IA $505 $508 $676 $917 $921 20,958
Buena Vista County, IA $442 $490 $651 $915 $1,005 20,260
Butler County, IA $489 $492 $650 $842 $885 14,867
Calhoun County, IA $465 $566 $650 $823 $885 9,670
Carroll County, IA $485 $489 $650 $815 $885 20,816
Cass County, IA $465 $566 $650 $841 $911 13,956
Cedar County, IA $491 $516 $686 $928 $959 18,499
Cerro Gordo County, IA $459 $541 $720 $931 $1,127 44,151
Cherokee County, IA $465 $524 $650 $903 $906 12,072
Chickasaw County, IA $465 $561 $650 $882 $885 12,439
Clarke County, IA $521 $547 $728 $913 $1,130 9,286
Clay County, IA $465 $489 $650 $941 $1,145 16,667
Clayton County, IA $445 $508 $650 $834 $898 18,129
Clinton County, IA $487 $536 $704 $926 $1,075 49,116
Crawford County, IA $465 $489 $650 $815 $885 17,096
Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA MSA Metro $597 $708 $875 $1,181 $1,304 66,135
Davis County, IA $481 $505 $672 $909 $920 8,753
Decatur County, IA $465 $492 $650 $843 $973 8,457
Delaware County, IA $465 $489 $650 $927 $1,107 17,764
Des Moines County, IA $467 $547 $728 $918 $1,102 40,325
Dickinson County, IA $496 $521 $693 $895 $1,036 16,667
Dubuque, IA MSA Metro $500 $586 $780 $1,032 $1,204 93,653
Emmet County, IA $465 $513 $650 $882 $885 10,302
Fayette County, IA $465 $489 $650 $815 $885 20,880
Floyd County, IA $465 $520 $650 $882 $885 16,303
Franklin County, IA $465 $489 $650 $882 $885 10,680
Fremont County, IA $465 $489 $650 $815 $925 7,441
Greene County, IA $465 $489 $650 $815 $951 9,336
Hamilton County, IA $494 $538 $691 $882 $1,116 15,673
Hancock County, IA $465 $539 $650 $822 $1,036 11,341
Hardin County, IA $465 $489 $650 $935 $1,090 17,534
Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $606 $744 $927 $1,248 $1,377 14,928
Henry County, IA $545 $548 $659 $892 $898 20,145
Howard County, IA $465 $566 $650 $894 $966 9,566
Humboldt County, IA $465 $489 $650 $821 $955 9,815
Ida County, IA $465 $546 $650 $934 $1,131 7,089
Iowa County, IA $465 $539 $650 $945 $1,145 16,355
Jackson County, IA $465 $547 $650 $884 $908 19,848
Jasper County, IA $466 $514 $683 $923 $1,058 36,842
Jefferson County, IA $476 $561 $746 $935 $1,102 16,843
Iowa City, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $625 $723 $956 $1,391 $1,684 130,882
Jones County, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $417 $491 $653 $852 $1,005 20,638
Keokuk County, IA $465 $510 $650 $906 $927 10,511
Kossuth County, IA $465 $489 $650 $882 $885 15,543
Lee County, IA $415 $522 $650 $861 $944 35,862
Cedar Rapids, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $494 $582 $774 $1,095 $1,207 211,226
Louisa County, IA $504 $526 $699 $876 $952 11,387
Lucas County, IA $492 $517 $688 $915 $937 8,898
Lyon County, IA $465 $489 $650 $815 $885 11,581
Mahaska County, IA $497 $523 $695 $871 $947 22,381
Marion County, IA $547 $550 $732 $918 $1,111 33,309
Marshall County, IA $464 $570 $728 $950 $1,023 40,648
Mitchell County, IA $485 $489 $650 $815 $885 10,776
Monona County, IA $485 $489 $650 $887 $1,037 9,243
Monroe County, IA $479 $504 $670 $840 $917 7,970
Montgomery County, IA $465 $489 $650 $882 $885 10,740
Muscatine County, IA $521 $614 $817 $1,064 $1,222 42,745
O'Brien County, IA $465 $489 $650 $905 $923 14,398
Osceola County, IA $465 $489 $650 $880 $890 6,462
Page County, IA $465 $489 $650 $879 $1,045 15,932
Palo Alto County, IA $465 $489 $650 $897 $963 9,421
Plymouth County, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $431 $521 $675 $848 $919 24,986
Pocahontas County, IA $465 $534 $650 $882 $885 7,310
Poweshiek County, IA $495 $542 $692 $875 $1,047 18,914
Ringgold County, IA $465 $542 $650 $886 $890 5,131
Sac County, IA $465 $510 $650 $926 $929 10,350
Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL MSA Metro $515 $607 $778 $1,013 $1,137 165,224
Shelby County, IA $478 $502 $668 $906 $910 12,167
Sioux County, IA $465 $489 $651 $862 $909 33,704
Ames, IA MSA Metro $607 $735 $887 $1,209 $1,495 89,542
Tama County, IA $490 $515 $685 $859 $933 17,767
Taylor County, IA $465 $489 $650 $815 $885 6,317
Union County, IA $465 $515 $650 $930 $1,116 12,534
Van Buren County, IA $465 $522 $650 $886 $890 7,570
Wapello County, IA $461 $544 $723 $923 $991 35,625
Washington County, IA HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $515 $584 $777 $974 $1,243 21,704
Wayne County, IA $465 $489 $650 $856 $885 6,403
Webster County, IA $508 $511 $650 $886 $911 38,013
Winnebago County, IA $489 $492 $650 $945 $957 10,866
Winneshiek County, IA $465 $489 $650 $863 $985 21,056
Sioux City, IA-NE-SD HUD Metro FMR Area Metro $514 $606 $806 $1,011 $1,098 102,172
Worth County, IA $465 $508 $650 $900 $915 7,598
Wright County, IA $415 $495 $650 $838 $923 13,229